Research by the PwC shows that global consumers value their mental and physical health, medical needs, and diet now more than ever. This great shift translates to spending. That includes spending for supplements. [1]You may have joined the ark or been there long before most of us were. Either way, we know you’d agree there’s much left to discover when it comes to keeping our bodies healthy and in staying productive longer. Definitely deserving of your attention is colloidal silver. What is it?

What Is Colloidal Silver?

Before going any further, you must know that supplements containing silver as an active ingredient come in many forms. For instance, some supplements contain silver ions or silver hydrosol. These are very different from colloidal silver. 

What Is Colloidal Silver Made From?

Silver supplements are available in many forms. Colloidal silver is special. In our opinion, it is the only form of silver anybody should consider using.

Colloidal silver is made up of tiny particles of silver. These measure just 100nm or less. Evidence suggests this is what renders colloidal silver unique properties that make it safe and effective for inhibiting bacterial growth and proliferation. [2, 3, 4]*

Unlike other forms of silver presented as a solution, colloidal silver is multiphasic. It is not solid. It is not liquid. Silver nanoparticles and water molecules are constantly and randomly sliding against each other. The two will never mix.

What Color Is Colloidal Silver?

True colloidal silver will have a dark brown color. Not all leading brands in the market labeled with “colloidal silver” show this color. Many appear clear or have a yellowish tinge. That immediately gives away faulty marketing claims. Research has presented this serious gap [5].

What happens when light passes through colloidal silver?

When light is shined through colloidal silver diluted in water, the light should pass through without bending. Tiny nanosilver particles shouldn’t hinder light from passing through. When mixed with water, a true colloidal silver will never produce a cloudy mixture.

What Is PPM in Colloidal Silver?

PPM is short for parts per million. This measures how much silver nanoparticles can be found per surface area of any medium. The higher the PPM, the more the colloidal silver stays effective.

What is the most effective ppm for colloidal silver?

Most brands of colloidal silver supplements contain just 250ppm of nanosilver. Coated Silver is the only one that contains as much as 20,000ppm of silver nanoparticles.

So, what is the best ppm for colloidal silver? 20,000ppm offered by Coated Silver is currently the top choice.

This difference translates to significantly higher savings too if you choose Coated Silver. That’s because just one drop contains as much as 80 times more silver nanoparticles vs. the leading brand. [5]

What is the most effective ppm for colloidal silver? Silver must never be taken without diluting it first. That means, it’s always best to use one with a higher ppm. It won’t matter if you dilute it in 1 cup of milk or 1 liter of water, as long as you finish the recommended dose for the day.

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What Is Colloidal Silver Used For?

There remains a need for consensus over the allowable and safe use of nanoparticles, including nanosilver. The Benefits and Risks need to be studied more closely. Although documented Side Effects of Colloidal Silver shows it is unlikely to cause serious issues to health. Although Argyria may impact an affected person’s self-esteem.

Consumer goods manufacturers are lining their products with silver nanoparticles to prevent body odor or extend the shelf life of processed foods. Consumers are unaware it may already be their your socks, shirt, pillow,washing machine, and food packaging.

What Is Colloidal Silver Used for in Humans?

Silver nanoparticles have a strong (Censored by FDA) effect. These are used to decrease the risk of post-transplantation surgical infections. Transplanted devices are lined with silver on the surface to prevent the formation of biofilm which is a common cause of surgical site infection.

Another widely accepted medical use of nanosilver particles is its topical use on wounds and burns. It’s not uncommon to find bandages already lined with nanosilver. It helps speed up healing of damaged skin. [6]

Colloidal Silver What Is It Good for as a Supplement?

Colloidal silver is taken as a supplement for enhanced immune support. Although, the mechanism remains poorly understood and explained.

Some experts explain that the body responds to silver nanoparticles as it would normally respond to any foreign body. That means, when you supplement with silver, your immune system thinks it is under attack. Cytokines are released and the immune response is triggered. The body absorbs and eliminates colloidal silver via normal digestion and excretion pathways.

So, used as a supplement, just the right amount of colloidal silver will create just the right immune response. That way, your body is also prompted to implement just the right response to conduct damage repairs and keep infection at bay when and where it is required. Thus, regular intake can help promote a high level of immunity.

Although a number of research studies show the promising use of colloidal silver for bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, more proof is needed to establish safety and effectiveness. Some studies even showed the coated silver Mechanism of Action improves the management of a growing number of chronic diseases. To date, the FDA has not issued any approved treatment use for colloidal silver.

How to Use Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver dosage varies depending on formulation. Manufacturers will have different instructions on how to take colloidal silver as a supplement. So, make sure to check the label and take only as recommended.

In general, dosage corresponds to your health assessment. As much as possible, it’s best to get your physician’s advise to get a more objective assessment.

How to Drink Colloidal Silver

Always dilute colloidal silver before ingesting. One drop of Coated Silver may also be added to your morning coffee or tea. Just make sure your drink isn’t too warm so as to help ensure product viability. You may also add it to your juice, smoothies, or just your water bottle.

It’s always best to take Coated Silver first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This improves product absorption. Make sure you’re getting the recommended dose whether that’s in one sitting or spread throughout the day.

What Is the Best Colloidal Silver Product on the Market?

Choose colloidal silver that’s safe and effective. Keep in mind that these products are differently formulated. Each one will deliver a different level of performance.

Ask for a Certificate of Analysis and go for a patented product like Coated Silver (US7842274B2). 

Learn more about how to choose which colloidal silver to buy.

What Is the Best Colloidal Silver Product on the Market?

What Is the Shelf Life of Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal silver can be stored anywhere indefinitely. Properly prepared colloidal silver shouldn’t spoil at all. That’s also because of the inherent antibacterial property of silver.


Don’t stop when you’ve found out what is coated silver? Now that you know what is colloidal silver good for, wouldn’t you want to claim its potentially powerful benefits to boost your own immunity?

Get your hands on the real deal. But, never use one without the expressed consent of your medical provider.

  1. PwC. Global Consumer Insights Survey 2020.
  2. Vuyutsky SS in Baranowski Z. (1995). Colloidal Silver: The Natural Antibiotic Alternative. Healing Wisdom Publications.
  3. Boudreau MD, Imam MS, Paredes AM, et al. Differential Effects of Silver Nanoparticles and Silver Ions on Tissue Accumulation, Distribution, and Toxicity in the Sprague Dawley Rat Following Daily Oral Gavage Administration for 13 Weeks. Toxicol Sci. 2016;150(1):131-160. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfv318
  4. Kowalczyk P, Szymczak M, Maciejewska M, et al. All That Glitters Is Not Silver-A New Look at Microbiological and Medical Applications of Silver Nanoparticles. Int J Mol Sci. 2021;22(2):854. Published 2021 Jan 16. doi:10.3390/ijms22020854
  5. Kumar A, Goia DV. Comparative Analysis of Commercial Colloidal Silver Products. Int J Nanomedicine. 2020;15:10425-10434.
  6. Sim W, Barnard RT, Blaskovich MAT, Ziora ZM. Antimicrobial Silver in Medicinal and Consumer Applications: A Patent Review of the Past Decade (2007 ⁻ 2017). Antibiotics (Basel). 2018;7(4):93. Published 2018 Oct 26. doi:10.3390/antibiotics7040093.